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If it’s paper and goes out in the mail, there’s a good chance we can do it for you. Not only can we print items like newsletters, billing materials, and postcards, but we can design them in a way to get you optimal bulk postage rates. We can also insert, address, tab, presort, and get your items into the mail for a completely integrated solution. You can even customize your mailer with variable data printing to allow you to send a targeted message to better meet the needs and interests of your audience and increase the response rate to your project.

Specific File Tips

Postal regulations change frequently, so it’s usually best to contact us before you submit your file if you want to design things yourself. But, in addition to design, you also need to pay attention to your mailing list. Make sure your mailing list is updated and the file is set up in a spreadsheet with items like the person’s name, address, city, state, and zip code all in separate columns. Here’s another tip: if you want to use variable data, it may make sense to keep information such as the person’s demographic data or buying habits to better tailor the mailer to specific needs. If you do not have a mailing list, we can help you obtain one to give you a targeted and effective campaign.